Insurance Explained

Office Overhead Insurance

How will your office overhead expenses be paid if you were disabled?

Office Overhead insurance is an expense reimbursement policy designed to cover the fixed monthly overhead expenses required to keep your business running until the return of the insured owner, after a period of disability.

Office Overhead Insurance is an ideal solution if your income is needed in order to pay for the fixed expenses of your small business or professional practice. The policy covers fixed expenses such as employees’ salaries, rent, utilities, and property taxes.

Product Attributes

  • Benefits can be received after only 15 days of disability.
  • Benefit period can be up to 24 months.
  • Rider available that allows coverage can be increased at a later date without a medical.
  • Premiums are tax-deductible as a business expense.

Let us help you decide if Office Overhead Insurance is right for you, and if so, which policy would best suit the needs of your small business or professional practice.

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